May 27, 2011

Cleaning White Surfaces

Hey, peeps!!

I'm at it again -- another post unrelated to any of my other ones.  :-) 

My mother-in-law gave me a recipe a while back (one of those things you make in a home chemistry lab) for removing stains from white items that are not easily washed.  I never got around to using it until last weekend, and now, I'm totally keeping it on hand all the time.

What you will need:
  1. Amonia
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide
  3. Spray bottle
In your spray bottle, mix 1 teaspoon of peroxide per every 1/2 cup of Amonia. (Remember also to properly label the bottle, if you plan to keep the new chemical on hand.) 

Point and shoot.

I will now get to the infomercial part of my blog - the before and after photos!  Now, my husband did point out that I took the 'before' photos in the evening and the 'after' photos during the day, so allow that the results aren't exact, at least in the photographs.  (He alluded to makeup ads that show you a frowning woman with no makeup and bright lights before.)  So just keep the difference in mind, but it's pretty darn close, at least.






"I would wuv fo you to beweeve I had nutting to do wit dat."

Doesn't it work well??  Now, I only used this on old stains in a thick carpet, so I found it necessary to use several cups of solution, but I believe a little bit of this will go a long way for other surfaces.  My mother-in-law told me that she used it on an old lampshade, as well as doilies.

Word of caution: peroxide bleaches, so be extremely careful around colors.  The only bad thing I found was that it removed stains so well I wound up having to go back and do the rest of the carpet to make it look just as clean!

**  Another suggestion - if you're doing a large space like I did, wear a mask.  Amonia is potent. 

~ Sarah

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