June 1, 2011

Dirty Gourmet


It's already Tuesday!! wait, Wednesday!!!  {It always takes me a little time to get back to normal after a holiday.  But I'd be cool with having to re-adjust myself every week or two.}

It's officially summer (according to the LwYH Calendar), so the camping and kayaking trips are abounding.  Last year, we played our first annual weekend of "Iron Chef Camper" (ICC) with some wonderful friends of ours.  ICC isn't quite like the show - instead, one family cooked one day, and the other cooked the next, both trying to out-do the other.  But truly, no one really loses at ICC... you spend the weekend fine dining while covered in bugspray and campfire smoke.  Sound divine??  Trust me, it is!

Anyways, my wonderful and worthy opponent beat me last year before breakfast was even over, so I've been doing actual homework (recipe research!) this year.  I stumbled across a site made for gatherings of my people... Dirty Gourmet!  If you are a camper, you must check it out... some of these recipes sound phenomenal!!  Please share if you do.

Enjoy the dirt! :)

~ Sarah

A glimpse of last year's hors d'oeuvres.... Roasted Mozzarella (as
in, roasted like a marshmallow!) served over fresh basil and
Bruschetta and gently pressed between two Ritz crackers. 
Talk about fine dining in the dirt!

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